General Budget Department
General Information
The Department’s Establishment and Objectives:
The General Budget Department was established in accordance with Law no. (39) for the year 1962 (the Law for Regulating the General Budget and its Amendments). Under this Law, the General Budget Department’s tasks, duties and authorities were set as follows:
1. Preparing the annual General Budget Law for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
2. Proposing allocations required for the implementation of the general policy set by the Cabinet of Ministers.
3. Examining requests for financial allocations submitted by all governmental departments through reduction, increase, addition, comparison or revision.
4. Examining all programs, works and projects for which allocations are requested in order to verify their feasibility and their relation with one another.
5. Making sure that unnecessary duplication in programs and financing is eliminated.
6. Verifying that requests for allocations are compatible with economic and financial policies and with other decisions adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers.
7. Requesting the necessary information from all governmental departments in as far as programs, works and projects and their financing are concerned.
8. Reviewing all documents, memorandums and financial records of any government’s department.
9. Auditing and analyzing the administrative work and programs of all governmental departments, and preparing whatever is required to develop and improve them in cooperation with the Civil Service Bureau.
10. Preparing a detailed statement of the required procedures for ratifying the budget, provided that each of these procedures is given a timeline, so that final approval of the general budget is completed by the first day of January of every year.
The General Budget Department’s Mission:
Implementing the general policy as set by the Cabinet of Ministers, verifying that required allocations are compatible with economic and financial policies and with other decisions adopted by the Cabinet, and consequently achieving the objectives of the Economic Reform Program, as a service to ministries and government departments and institutions, so they can provide their own services to citizens as required through the following achievements:
1. The Annual Budget Law.
2. The budgets of independent institutions.
3. The regulation of government formations.
4. Financial and economic studies.
The Budget:
The detailed approach of the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan from the fiscal aspect or the estimate of revenues and expenditure for an upcoming fiscal year in terms of:
1. Proposing the allocation required for the implementation of the general policy.
2. Making sure that duplication of programs and financing is eliminated.
3. Examining all programs and projects for which allocations are requested in order to verify their feasibility.
An important tool in planning, direction, analysis and evaluation.
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