Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology
General Information
To play a leading proactive role in protecting the health and safety of Jordanian citizens and in protecting the environment and to act as a major partner to the private sector in enhancing the quality and competitiveness of Jordanian products, through the development of national standards and guidelines on conformity assessment practices that are harmonized with international ones and through active participation in the work of international standards and conformity assessment procedures, and to facilitate trade with Jordan and pave the way for Jordanian exports to international markets by signing global mutual and multilateral mutual recognition agreements to get international recognition of the Jordanian conformity assessment systems and results.
· Customer Orientation.
· Quality services.
· Competent staff.
· Streamlined processes and procedures.
· Appropriate working environment.
· International practices in realization of services.
· Keeping up with the latest developments in standardization, metrology and conformity assessment practices.
· Partnership with all concerned stakeholders.
· Harmonization of Jordanian Standards with International, regional and Arab standards.
· Adaptation of Jordanian Standards development with the Code of Good Practice for Standardization.
· Developing Jordanian Standards that meet the needs of users, and are practical for use.
· Transparency in development of Jordanian Standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment instructions.
· Treatment of imported products as the national products in the development of Jordanian Standards and technical regulations, and in performing conformity assessment procedures on them.
· Jordanian Standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment instructions are not issued to create technical barriers to trade.
The Institution aims at fulfilling the following objectives:
1. Adoption of a national system for standardization and metrology based upon international practices.
2. Keeping pace with the latest scientific development in the fields of standards, metrology, conformity assessment and laboratory accreditation activities.
3. Protection of the health, environment and safety for all citizens through ensuring that products are in compliance with the technical regulations adopted by the Institution.
4. Ensuring the quality of local products through the approval of suitable Jordanian Standards, which enable such products to compete in local and international markets and, hence, supporting the national economy.
The Jordan Institution for standard and Metrology (JISM) undertakes the following strategies in order to achieve its objectives:
1. Prepares, approves, revises, amends and monitors the implementation of standards and technical regulations with regard to all services and products, with the exception of pharmaceutical products, medicines veterinary medicines, serums and vaccines.
2. Establishes a national system of measurement and supervise its implementation.
3. Calibrates, controls and supervises the implementation of measuring instruments.
4. Approves the national measurement standards (etalons) and reference measurement standards necessary for calibrating measuring instruments.
5. Controls the quality of precious metals, and jewellery according to the legal fineness, and test the precious metals and jewellery and stamp them.
6. Grants conformity certificates, including the Quality Mark.
7. Accredits testing and calibration laboratories and certification bodies, based upon international practices.
8. Supports and promotes studies and research in the fields relevant to standards, metrology, quality management and conformity assessment, and organize training courses relevant to areas of concern to the Institution.
9. Concludes agreements with Arab, foreign, regional and international organizations and bodies regarding the mutual recognition of certificates of conformity, including quality marks, certificates of laboratory accreditation and competence of the bodies granting such certificates.
10. Cooperates and coordinates with, and become a member, where appropriate, of the Arab, foreign, regional and international organizations and bodies active in the fields of standardization, metrology, quality, conformity assessment and accreditation.
11. Accepts and adopts, as appropriate, the standards, technical regulation, guides recommendation or any other documents of other countries and of Arab, regional and international organizations, provided that they are issued in Arabic or English.
12. Disseminates and sells the publications and other printed materials related to the approved standards and technical regulation issued by the institution as well as by other Arab, regional, and international organizations or by other countries.
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