Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO)
General Information
JEDCO is Jordan's official trade development and promotion organization. Founded in 1972, JEDCO has developed into a full service support organization for Jordan's vibrant private sector.
JEDCO's activities cover trade development and promotion, trade fairs, trade necessary information services, and human resource development. JEDCO also provides specialized support services and advice in areas of packaging, export finance and in the implementation of trade agreements.
JEDCO’s main objectives can be summarized as follows:
· Strengthening the position of Jordanian exports’ in traditional markets and expanding exports of Jordanian products and services to new markets.
· Developing Jordanian exports and assisting companies in enhancing their competitive advantage to meet international standards of quality and price.
· Exploiting the use of information technology in helping Jordanian exporters.
· Establishing specialized services centers to support industrial priority sectors.
· Providing training and human resource development for companies and institutions engaged in exports.
· Establishing and enhancing co-operation between JEDCO and other trade related organizations world-wide.
· Assisting Jordanian exporters in maximizing the use of professional export support services and tools.
JEDCO’s Role in the Jordanian Economy
JEDCO plays an important role in implementing government policies to further develop Jordanian exports. JEDCO also assists to expand the geographic distribution of exports, and to improve the quality and value added of Jordanian goods and services.
In recent years, JEDCO has been actively involved in assisting Jordanian exports through its participation in international trade fairs and exhibitions, along with organizing promotional weeks and trade delegations. In addition, JEDCO has been implementing successfully, technical support programs for manufacturing and service industries, and has been providing up-to-date trade and export related information to companies.
JEDCO's support program has significantly boosted Jordanian exports, and has strengthened Jordan’s presence in both traditional and non-traditional markets.
JEDCO provides an integrated set of services for domestic manufacturers, service providers, and for foreign buyers. These services, which may be adjusted in line with changing market conditions, encompass the following:
· Trade Development and Promotion
· Direct Company Support
· Information Services
· Market Research
· Regional and International Co-operation
· Trade Related Services, such as Export Finance and Export Credit Insurance
· Human Resources Development
JEDCO’s Main Activities
· Trade Development and Promotion
These activities represent a vital part of introducing Jordanian exports to buyers abroad and to help Jordanian to explore such markets.
JEDCO organizes participation of exporters in international general and specialized trade fairs, Jordanian weeks, trade delegations, Europartenariat and Medpartenariat events. In addition to its trade representation in selected markets, publishing of export directories, and offering promotional material.
· Participating in International Trade Fairs
Trade fair activities represent a key function within JEDCO’s promotional portfolio through which JEDCO presents Jordanian products in markets abroad. Trade fairs also give Jordanian exporters exposure and opportunities in the international business community, in addition to gaining better insight about these markets.
Every year, JEDCO organizes the participation of Jordanian Exporters in up to 20 international general and specialized trade fairs. JEDCO also organizes a number of Jordanian promotional weeks in selected markets. These integrated promotion programs attempt to reflect the entire scope of Jordan's dynamic growth and development in areas of industry, tourism and culture in co-ordination with the appropriate Jordanian institutions.
JEDCO’s participation in trade fairs stems from JEDCO’s policy to strengthen trade relations with regional markets, to support Jordanian products’ presence in new markets, and to open channels with promising ones.
· Trade Delegations
JEDCO has been very active in organizing trade missions abroad and buyer-seller meetings in selected markets.
In addition, JEDCO has also facilitated trade delegations to Jordan from Arab and other countries of the world.
· Promotional Material
JEDCO pays special attention to promoting Jordanian exports through the different printed and electronic media available. In this context JEDCO issues a number of promotional publications and produces TV documentaries and videos on Jordanian industries. JEDCO has also produced a CD ROM which contains the Jordanian exporters directory and information about Jordan's economy. Furthermore, JEDCO operates an active Internet web site, which provides updated information about JEDCO’s activities, programs, support services, with profiles of the Jordanian major exporters.
· Trade Centers Abroad
Following the successful establishment of trade centers in regional markets, JEDCO has expanded its network to North America and Europe.
These centers provide Jordanian exporters with information services, promotional facilities and links with local buyers and investors. They also provide basic information and referral services to local buyers, and may assist in major promotional events that JEDCO conducts in these markets.
Currently, JEDCO operates a network of trade centers in Algeria, Belgium, Iraq, Palestine, USA, and Yemen. for contact details of these centers, please click here
JEDCO also co-ordinates commercial activities with commercial counselors at Jordanian embassies.
· Direct Company Support (Technical Assistance)
The partnership agreement Jordan signed with the EU, The Free Trade Agreement with the USA, as well as Jordan’s accession to the WTO provide Jordanian exporters with substantial opportunities. The agreements also represent a considerable challenge to producers in Jordan. This means that international standards, product quality, design, packaging and labeling have become key requirements to compete locally and internationally. JEDCO has adopted policies and action programs to assist Jordanian exporters to meet these requirements and to enhance their competitive edge.
The adopted approach to fulfill this task comprises amongst others the following activities:
· Industrial Studies
JEDCO has prepared a number of sectoral studies covering Printing, Packaging Industries, Clothing and Textiles, Food Processing, Engineering, and Traditional and Handicrafts Industries.
The studies aim at the evaluation of the industrial sectors with respect to their technical capabilities. These studies also uncover the main barriers facing their exports, identify priority sectors, and prepare action plans to improve their overall performance and international competitiveness.
· Direct Technical Services
JEDCO is actively engaging in assisting companies in developing their production systems, installing management and quality systems, and preparing business plans. These projects are carried out by either JEDCO’s technical staff or by local or foreign consultants. Companies can also benefit from services provided by experts from senior volunteers’ organizations with which JEDCO has co-operation agreements. These organizations include NMCP in the Netherlands, ECTI in France, BESO in the UK, SES in Germany, and ASI in Italy.
· Specialized Services Centers
JEDCO has been involved in developing a number of service centers for Jordanian industry. JEDCO has established the Institute of Packaging and Jordan Numbering Association (EAN Jordan) and has been involved in developing the set up of a design center for the textile and clothing industry. These centers are to provide specialized consulting services, training programs, design services, testing, and information services to Jordanian enterprises.
· The Institute of Packaging
JEDCO, in co-operation with the Institute of Packaging (IOP) in the UK, has established the IOP Jordan branch. The branch has members from the industry and is managed by an elected board from the private sector. Three committees: the public relations committee, the education and training committee, and the membership committee, are in charge of the different activities of the branch, which are:
o Co-ordinating the IOP UK’s “Diploma in Packaging Technology” open-learning program in Jordan.
o Designing and organizing training courses, seminars, and conferences.
o Providing consulting services to Jordanian enterprises.
o Developing an information resource library.
o Co-operating with local and foreign institutions to exchange knowledge and expertise in the printing and packaging fields.
· Jordan Numbering Association (EAN Jordan)
In June 1997, JEDCO signed the membership agreement with EAN International in Brussels to establish EAN Jordan, joining member Numbering Organizations in more than 90 countries.
Since then, EAN Jordan has become the official Jordanian body to allocate EANlUCC international barcode numbers to Jordanian enterprises upon becoming members of EAN Jordan.
The role and functions of EAN Jordan are principally as follows:
o To make available the EAN technical specifications and the EANCOM manual.
o To provide technical support, guidance, and training to its member companies on the different EANl UCC standards and their applications.
o To act as an interest group on behalf of its members.
o To inform trade and industry about the EANlUCC system by building awareness, education and promotion that emphasises the “global aspect” of EANlUCC standards and that it is the total solution for the whole supply chain.
o To liaise with equipment and film master suppliers, packaging designers, and printers to ensure they understand what is required regarding the production and printing of EAN symbols.
· Information Services
JEDCO’s keen interest to continuously improve its information services has been influenced by the rapid developments of e-commerce and information technology world-wide. This resulted in the establishment of the Information Center at JEDCO, which has eventually become a focal point for a number of international information networks. The Information Center provides all the necessary and timely information Jordanian exporters may need about other markets as well as the possibility to promote Jordanian products and services within these markets. The Information Center offers its services through the following:
· Inter Arab Trade Information Network (IATIN)
This network was established with the finance of the Arab Trade Financing Program (ATFP) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to enhance trade relations between the Arab countries. JEDCO was designated as the focal point for network in Jordan to provide information on:
o Importers and exporters from the different economic sectors in the Arab countries.
o Product profiles including product specifications, export capacity, prices, and rules and regulations governing the exchange of goods and services between the Arab countries.
o Import, export, and joint-venture opportunities between Arab countries.
o Customs duties and other taxes imposed by Arab countries on imports.
o Other relevant information.
· Trade Information Network for Islamic Countries (TINIC)
TINIC was established as part of the Mecca declaration of the Third Islamic Summit held in Saudi Arabia to enhance co-operation between Islamic countries in all fields. JEDCO was designated as the focal point for this network in Jordan, which provides the following information:
o Laws governing trade exchange between the Islamic countries
o Company directories
o Bilateral and multilateral agreements between the Islamic countries
o External trade statistics of member countries.
o Import, export, and joint-venture opportunities between the Islamic countries.
o Other relevant information.
· International Technology and Trade Network (ITTN)
This network was initiated and sponsored by the US Department of Commerce to promote cross-border trade and economic development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. ITTN helps to increase regional business and facilitates overall international trade and business development between companies in the MENA region and the USA. Companies can directly access ITTN through its internet-based communications platform, by submitting information about their businesses and specifying the desired co-operation. The ITTN offers a good source of trade opportunities and economic information about participating countries.
· Amman Trade Point (ATP)
Amman Trade Point was established at JEDCO in co-operation with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It is part of a network of some 160 Trade Points in over 106 countries, interconnected in the Global Trade Point Network (GTPNet) in Geneva. This network facilitates communication across borders and provides easy access to a wide range of international databases.
The objective of establishing ATP was to have a one-stop-shop that can offer Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) a comprehensive and integrated set of services related to international trade such as importers and exporters addresses, shipping information, banking transactions, insurance and guarantees facilities.
ATP provides the following services and information:
o Identification of trade opportunities.
o Promotion of Jordanian companies globally.
o Information on all exports procedures in Jordan.
o Information on insurance, shipping, banking, and customs.
o Accurate and timely information on potential export markets.
· Library
JEDCO’s fast expanding library has more than 9000 documents and reference material, including books, periodicals, statistical reports, specialized studies, and trade directories for Jordanian exporters to refer to when analyzing target markets.
The library provides its services to Jordanian exporters and researchers from private and public sector organizations, who can visit the library and obtain the information needed.
The library has a number of databases available on CD ROMs covering exporters, importers, foreign trade statistics, and trade regulations in countries in Europe, America, Asia and the Middle East. Some of the important databases available are: KOMPASS, EUROSTAT, PC/TAS, EU OFFICIAL JOURNAL and NATIONAL TRADE DATA BANK (NTDB).
· Companies and JEDCO’s Website
JEDCO designed a website, which provides comprehensive and updated information about its activities, projects, and services. The website hosts, among others, the Jordanian Business Directory of more than 1250 companies from 19 different industrial sectors as well as 200 service companies from the IT, business consulting, construction, and banking sector. The website also contains economic information, statistics on external trade, and links to useful Jordanian websites. The home pages for EAN Jordan, EICC Jordan, IOP Jordan, and Amman Trade Point can be accessed from JEDCO’s main Website at
· Market Research & Analysis
A crucial factor which influences the success of finding a niche in target markets is the availability of accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive information pertaining to these markets. Bearing this in mind, JEDCO provides Jordanian businessmen with market surveys, market studies, and product surveys of targeted markets. These studies and surveys are usually conducted by JEDCO’s specialized researchers, sometimes by subcontracted local and international consultants to assess the opportunities of Jordanian products in targeted markets.
These studies provide comprehensive information about selected markets, including specific export potentials, economic, social, and political trends. JEDCO undertook more than 50 market studies, covering selected markets in North and South America, West and East Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
· Regional and International Co-operation
JEDCO has always been keen in enhancing its ties with international trade related organizations. This is done to benefit from their services in export promotion, exchange of expertise and information, training programs, and technical assistance.
JEDCO has over the past few years concluded a number of bilateral co-operation agreements with similar international trade promotion organizations such as: Algerian External Trade Development Council, Tunisian Export Promotion Center, Egyptian Export Promotion Center, Moroccan Export Promotion Center, Syrian Foreign Trade Center, Yemen Higher Council for Export Promotion, Iran Export Promotion Center, Arab Libyan Import and Export Corporation, Palestine Trade Center (Paltrade), China External Trade Development Council (CETRA), Hellenic Export Promotion Organization (HEPO), Associazione Piemontese Consorzi Esportazione (APCE), Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Indonesian National Agency for Export Development (NAFED).
JEDCO also enjoys good relations with international import promotion organizations. Where, it currently supports the participation of Jordanian SMEs in training and promotional programs organized by the Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) in the Netherlands, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the Swiss Office for Trade Promotion.
Also, JEDCO has signed co-operation agreements with international senior volunteers’ organizations to provide expert services to the local industry. These organizations include: Netherlands Management Consultancy Program (NMCP), German Senior Expert Services (SES), Japanese Senior Volunteers Program (SVP), French Senior Experts Services (ECTI), and the British Executive Services Organization (BESO).
In addition, JEDCO developed distinguished relations with international institutions such as GTZ / PROTRADE, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Islamic Development Bank (IDB), International Trade Center (ITC), and Arab Trade Financing Program (ATFP). JEDCO also work to cement its relations with the commercial sections of foreign embassies in Jordan.
· Trade Services
In addition to trade promotion and development services, information services and related support programs, JEDCO also facilitates export finance and export credit guarantees for exporters.
· Export Finance Schemes of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
JEDCO provides several long-term export finance schemes to Jordanian exporters wishing to export to member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Export finances can be directly processed through JEDCO for contracts not exceeding US $ 3 Million through a US $ 4 Million exports finance scheme or forwarded to the IDB for contracts above US $ 3 Million. These schemes aim at promoting Jordanian exports to OIC member countries and certain non-member countries such as members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and some African countries.
· Export Credit Guarantee Scheme of the Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation (IAIGC)
JEDCO has signed an agreement with the Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation in Kuwait to promote their Export Credit Guarantee Schemes to Jordanian exporters. The agreement is implemented to encourage and support Jordanian exporters to enhance exports to the Arab Markets. This should result in increasing the volumes of inter-Arab trade where various types of guarantee contracts against commercial and non-commercial risks are offered. Such schemes provide protection against non-payment risk and facilitate finance from commercial banks in Jordan.
· Trade Agreements
A complete database of all agreements of commercial and trade nature that Jordan has entered with other countries in the world can be directly accessed through JEDCO's web page. Companies from Jordan and from other countries can obtain accurate and up to date information on the advantages and facilities that these agreements can offer them. The website has all agreements listed whether they are multilateral agreements such as the Partnership Agreement between Jordan and the EU, the Arab Free Trade Agreement, and the Qualifying Industrial Zones; or bilateral agreements including trade agreements, investment promotion and protection, prevention of customs duplication, transport, and standards and metrology agreements.
· Human Resource Development
JEDCO has recognized that human element plays a pivotal role in the success of any industrial or service activity; it is in fact one of the pillars that secures the development of the Jordanian economy. JEDCO’s human resource development policy draws on this fact and also on developments in world trade. As such, JEDCO designs and organizes training programs for staff and exporters on international marketing, promotion, EU Partnership agreement, WTO agreement, technical requirements in export markets, management systems, e-commerce, information technology, industrial design, and packaging to name a few.
To ensure the provision of efficient and effective, professional services to Jordanian businesses, JEDCO continues to invest and to develop its skilled employees and to enhance their qualifications and knowledge.
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