الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011

Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation

Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation
General Information

JIEC aims at encouraging the development and growth of the industrial sector in Jordan through:

First.                   Establishing specialized industrial estates throughout the Kingdom, exemplary in their standards of utilities and services according to specific developmental and environmental criteria.

Second.        Encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the industrial estates leading to the integration of industries within the estate. JIEC will conform to quality of services provided for investors by applying ISO 9002/ 1994.

Brief Overview

1.        JIEC was established in 1980 by the Law no. (34) for the year1980 and its amendments according to the Law no. (59) for the year 1985.

2.        A Board of Directors manages the JIEC headed by H.E. the Minister of Industry and Trade.

3.        JIEC is a self-funding corporation with independent administrative and financial systems.

JIEC Objectives

1.        Study, design, establish and manage all the industrial estates throughout the Kingdom.

2.        Encourage small existing industrial projects to be relocated in the industrial estates; promote the establishment of new industrial estates throughout the Kingdom.

Exemptions that the Industrial Projects Enjoy in the Industrial Estates:

·            Exemption of income tax and social services tax for two years starting from the date of production. In addition, JIEC projects are granted other exemptions by virtue of the Investment Promotion Law.

·            Full and permanent exemption from land and building tax; exemption or reduction of fees on most municipal and zoning services and fees.
·            Advantages and Facilities at the Industrial Estates:

·            Availability of developed lands and ready factory buildings prepared with all infrastructure services.

·            Saving the investor’s time, effort and money by providing alternatives for purchase or rent of lands or buildings available at reasonable prices.

·            Achieving development and integration within existing industries at JIEC.

·            Easiness and flexibility in processing business as JIEC enjoys all privileges of municipalities and local and district zoning committees. 

·            Preservation of the environment.

·            Providing support services.

·            Encouraging and promoting all forms of investment by setting up one stop-service-shop at each Industrial Estate.

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